Friday, August 8, 2008

People for the Ethical Treatment of Carnivores

You certainly do go on about your vegetarianism. Your self-congratulations as a hero of animal rights knows no end. You can quote statistics and describe the barbaric practices of your local abattoir as if you had worked there. How you've managed to morph a change in eating habits into self righteousness on such a grand level is almost admirable. I am completely disgusted that you feel the need to make this such a personal issue, but I could forgive that if you kept it personal instead of going on a meatless jihad from the alfalfa sprout pulpit. And you would probably be more credible had you not been carrying around that expensive leather hand bag and standing in leather shoes. Just for your own edification, the animals do not give up their hides willingly, nor do they shed them yearly. The process is neither kind nor humane.

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